新橋を拠点に、特殊印刷/ 加工・活版印刷をはじめ、紙とインクで出来る全ての表現を創造し続ける河内屋。
2017年新たな表現のひとつとして、文具ブランド KUNISAWA を立ち上げました。新橋のクラフトマンシップが、ビジネスシーンをより豊かにします。
Located in Shimbashi, Kawachiya continues to give life to all expressions created from paper and ink, including special printing/processing and letterpress printing. Since its establishment in 1971, the company has stood alongside numerous creative clients such as advertising agencies, graphic designers, photographers, and artists to give form to a variety of inspirations.
A new stationery brand – KUNISAWA – was launched as another new expression in 2017.
Shimbashi craftsmanship enriches all facets of business.
文具ブランドKUNISAWA を企画/製造する河内屋は、東京の新橋を拠点に、江戸時代からクラフトマンとしてビジネスを続けています。
KUNISAWA ブランドのロゴは、 「八咫烏(ヤタガラス)」という日本の神話に登場する3本足の烏をモチーフにしています。
Based in Shimbashi, Tokyo, Kawachiya – the company behind the design and manufacture of the KUNISAWA stationery brand – has been providing its craftsmanship to customers since Japan's Edo period (1603-1868). Shimbashi is recognized as the birthplace of Japan's railway and is now widely known as a district frequented by the business people of Ginza, Marunouchi, and Shinagawa.
The motif of the KUNISAWA brand logo is based on the mythical Japanese three-legged crow called "Yatagarasu."
Due to using a golden luminance to guide Emperor Jimmu on his journey through the dark roads of Kumano, Yatagarasu is celebrated as the "God of Guidance.” The three legs represent "heaven," "earth," and "humanity," indicating that all three are brothers born of the same sun.
We use Yatagarasu as a symbol of business people that are casting a bright light on the future and inspiring the world.
社名 株式会社 河内屋
設立 昭和46年10月
所在地 105-0004 東京都港区新橋5-31-7 Kビルディング
代表者 國澤 良祐
TEL 03-3431-3339
FAX 03-5401-3402
Company Name Kawachiya Co., Ltd.
Foundation October 1971
Address K Bld.,5-31-7 Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Postcode 105-0004
Director Ryosuke Kunisawa